September Meeting
Wednesday 22nd September, 8pm
We are excited to be welcoming you all back to the memorial hall next week for our second face-to-face W.I. meeting this year. It's been a while so please bear with us if we've forgotten anything.
We are learning a 1920's Charleston routine this month and we really hope you can join us. Dressing up is optional but absolutely encouraged for those who would like to. Do as much or as little as you like on the evening or just join us for a drink, catch up, a chat and enjoy the rest of us attempting the Charleston routine :)
Don't forget your glass or mug as we will have our usual refreshments this month. If you can bring a cake, home-made or shop bought, for the refreshment table that would be fantastic. Book swap will be back ... and remember to bring your name badge (it's been a while ) Really looking forward to seeing you all, especially our new members. A warm welcome for all guaranteed.
Looking ahead to our October meeting we have an evening of cider tasting and talk planned. Please note for this month we have changed the date to Wednesday 13th October. This is for one month only.
Looking ahead...
September 22nd....... 1920s Charleston Dancing
October 13th (Note change of date).. Cider tasting with a local producer
November 24th....... Board Games Night
December... Christmas Crafts and party- Date TBC
Book club is still going strong ,so if you fancy a new distraction then pop along. Keep an eye on Facebook for details.
It is all too easy to feel isolated or overwhelmed in these strange times, so please, please contact any of the committee if you'd like a chat.
The renewal date for membership subscriptions is now
1st April 2022. Membership renewals will now always be in April.
Subs are currently £44 for the year.
We are pleased to announce we have three new committee members. There's still plenty of room on the committee if you would like to join us. Just chat to any of us- we promise it's not a big commitment at all, and you can have a chance to contribute ideas to
your WI.